Monday, May 30, 2016

We as a whole live in times that befuddle our reasoning

history channel documentary 2016 What is "Definitional Witchcraft?" Well...let me clarify my thinking by first saying that BOTH Christianity and Witchcraft work by the force of words. Words are compartments for force, and when discharged cause things to happen. Words can "Revile" others or "Favor" them BUT at whatever point individuals "Rethink" the effectively characterized; they cover thought processes and goal behind words that now have a "second signifying" from the significance we as a whole "expect" they mean. Along these lines we can't TRUST our administration's pledge or our holy places as a result of this terrible routine of "Word Magic" which has turned into the rave in our stirred up world!

We as a whole live in times that befuddle our reasoning; and puzzle our own perspectives on life and demise. Today individuals in high places BOTH physical and profound have turned the genuine importance of words we as a whole use into something unrecognizable to any understudy of words.

It is absolutely critical that we the Body of Christ begin to go about as we were intended to act, as his delegates on earth and STOP rethinking our motivation as something less. How does the Word of God characterize Grace? Is it essentially a word that signifies "Ridiculous Favor"? Then again is there significantly more to beauty than meets the eye?

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