Monday, May 30, 2016

The Devil will mislead numerous about the Second Coming

history channel documentary 2015 Here is the thing that you have to do with a specific end goal to guarantee that your conviction about the Second Coming is on a strong stage. As you study the scriptural commencement of occasions paving the way to the apocalypse, you have to hold up under four contemplations as a primary concern:

1. The way that Satan does not need us to have a right comprehension of the Second Coming of Christ.

2. The steady affirmation of the distinctive Bible journalists on the Second Advent.

3. The correspondence of the witnesses' desire of this milestone occasion to the devotees.

4. The everlasting ramifications of tolerating false teachings on a day ago occasions paving the way to the Coming of Christ.

In the sacred texts we are satisfactorily cautioned about the exercises of Satan. As the end of the word gravitates toward this foe of souls will increase his crusade of duplicity. In the commencement of apocalypse occasions in Matthew 24, we are cautioned against the multiplication of numerous false prophets and false christs whose exercises will be convincing to the point that it will delude most by far (Matt. 24:24). The work of false prophets is the fundamental office by which Satan will cheat the world and persuade the wrong things about the arrangement of salvation and therefore lose their souls.

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